script to pull github activity report
import os
import requests
import csv
from datetime import datetime
# Configuration
REPO = 'username/reponame' # Repository name
START_DATE = '2023-09-03T00:00:00Z' # Start of the date range
END_DATE = '2023-11-13T23:59:59Z' # End of the date range
GITHUB_TOKEN = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN') # Retrieve GitHub token from environment variable
headers = {
"Authorization": f"token {GITHUB_TOKEN}",
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
output_file = 'github_report.csv'
def fetch_commits():
"""Fetch commits within the specified date range."""
url = f'{REPO}/commits'
params = {
'since': START_DATE,
'until': END_DATE,
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
commits = response.json()
commit_data = []
for commit in commits:
date = commit['commit']['author']['date'][:10] # Extract only YYYY-MM-DD
message = commit['commit']['message'][:100] # Limit message to 100 characters
commit_time = commit['commit']['author']['date']
commit_data.append((date, message, commit_time, commit_time, 0)) # Commits have same start and end time
return commit_data
def fetch_issues():
"""Fetch issues (including bugs) created within the specified date range."""
url = f'{REPO}/issues'
params = {
'since': START_DATE,
'state': 'all'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
issues = response.json()
issue_data = []
for issue in issues:
created_at = issue['created_at'][:10] # Extract only YYYY-MM-DD
if START_DATE <= issue['created_at'] <= END_DATE:
title = issue['title'][:100] # Limit title to 100 characters
created_time = issue['created_at']
closed_time = issue.get('closed_at', created_time) # Use created time if not closed
# Calculate duration if issue was closed
duration = calculate_duration(created_time, closed_time) if closed_time else 0
issue_data.append((created_at, title, created_time, closed_time, duration))
return issue_data
def calculate_duration(start_time, end_time):
"""Calculate duration in hours between start and end time."""
fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
start_dt = datetime.strptime(start_time, fmt)
end_dt = datetime.strptime(end_time, fmt)
return round((end_dt - start_dt).total_seconds() / 3600, 2)
def write_csv(data):
"""Write data to a CSV file."""
with open(output_file, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(["date", "description of item-incident-commit", "initial login time", "final login time", "total hours between initial and final time"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
commit_data = fetch_commits()
issue_data = fetch_issues()
all_data = commit_data + issue_data
print(f"Report saved to {output_file}")